Metadata-Version: 2.0
Name: aioredis-brilliant
Version: 0.2.6
Summary: asyncio (PEP 3156) Redis support
Author: Alexey Popravka
License: MIT
Platform: POSIX
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX
Classifier: Environment :: Web Environment
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries
Requires-Dist: hiredis


asyncio (PEP 3156) Redis client library.

.. image::

.. image::


================================  ==============================
hiredis_ parser                     Yes
Pure-python parser                  TBD
Low-level & High-level APIs         Yes
Connections Pool                    Yes
Pipelining support                  Yes
Pub/Sub support                     Yes
SSL/TLS support                     Yes
Redis Cluster support               WIP
Trollius (python 2.7)               No
Tested python versions              `3.3, 3.4, 3.5`_
Tested for Redis server             `2.6, 2.8, 3.0`_
Support for dev Redis server        through low-level API
================================  ==============================


Usage examples

Simple low-level interface:

.. code:: python

    import asyncio
    import aioredis

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    def go():
        conn = yield from aioredis.create_connection(
            ('localhost', 6379), loop=loop)
        yield from conn.execute('set', 'my-key', 'value')
        val = yield from conn.execute('get', 'my-key')
    # will print 'value'

Simple high-level interface:

.. code:: python

    import asyncio
    import aioredis

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    def go():
        redis = yield from aioredis.create_redis(
            ('localhost', 6379), loop=loop)
        yield from redis.set('my-key', 'value')
        val = yield from redis.get('my-key')
    # will print 'value'

Connections pool:

.. code:: python

    import asyncio
    import aioredis

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    def go():
        pool = yield from aioredis.create_pool(
            ('localhost', 6379),
            minsize=5, maxsize=10,
        with (yield from pool) as redis:    # high-level redis API instance
            yield from redis.set('my-key', 'value')
            print((yield from redis.get('my-key')))
        yield from pool.clear()    # closing all open connections



* Python_ 3.3+
* asyncio_ or Python_ 3.4+
* hiredis_

.. note::

    hiredis is preferred requirement.
    Pure-python fallback protocol parser is TBD.

Discussion list

*aio-libs* google group:!forum/aio-libs


The aioredis is offered under MIT license.

.. _Python:
.. _asyncio:
.. _hiredis:
.. _3.3, 3.4, 3.5:
.. _2.6, 2.8, 3.0:
.. _travis:


0.2.6 (2016-03-30)

* Fixed Multi/Exec transactions cancellation issue
  (see `#110 <>`_
  and `#114 <>`_);

* Fixed Pub/Sub subscribe concurrency issue
  (see `#113 <>`_
  and `#115 <>`_);

* Add SSL/TLS support
  (see  `#116 <>`_);

* ``aioredis.ConnectionClosedError`` raised in ``execute_pubsub`` as well
  (see `#108 <>`_);

* ``Redis.slaveof()`` method signature changed: now to disable
  replication one should call ``redis.slaveof(None)`` instead of ``redis.slaveof()``;

* More tests added;

0.2.5 (2016-03-02)

* Close all Pub/Sub channels on connection close
  (see `#88 <>`_);

* Add ``iter()`` method to ``aioredis.Channel`` allowing to use it
  with ``async for``
  (see `#89 <>`_);

* Inline code samples in docs made runnable and downloadable
  (see `#92 <>`_);

* Python 3.5 examples converted to use ``async``/``await`` syntax
  (see `#93 <>`_);

* Fix Multi/Exec to honor encoding parameter
  (see `#94 <>`_
  and `#97 <>`_);

* Add debug message in ``create_connection``
  (see `#90 <>`_);

* Replace ``asyncio.async`` calls with wrapper that respects asyncio version
  (see `#101 <>`_);

* Use NODELAY option for TCP sockets
  (see `#105 <>`_);

* New ``aioredis.ConnectionClosedError`` exception added. Raised if
  connection to Redis server is lost
  (see `#108 <>`_
  and `#109 <>`_);

* Fix RedisPool to close and drop connection in subscribe mode on release;

* Fix ``aioredis.util.decode`` to recursively decode list responses;

* More examples added and docs updated;

* Add google groups link to README;

* Bump year in LICENSE and docs;

0.2.4 (2015-10-13)

* Python 3.5 ``async`` support:

  - New scan commands API (``iscan``, ``izscan``, ``ihscan``);

  - Pool made awaitable (allowing ``with await pool: ...`` and ``async
    with pool.get() as conn:`` constructs);

* Fixed dropping closed connections from free pool
  (see `#83 <>`_);

* Docs updated;

0.2.3 (2015-08-14)

* Redis cluster support work in progress;

* Fixed pool issue causing pool growth over max size & ``acquire`` call hangs
  (see `#71 <>`_);

* ``info`` server command result parsing implemented;

* Fixed behavior of util functions
  (see `#70 <>`_);

* ``hstrlen`` command added;

* Few fixes in examples;

* Few fixes in documentation;

0.2.2 (2015-07-07)

* Decoding data with ``encoding`` parameter now takes into account
  list (array) replies
  (see `#68 <>`_);

* ``encoding`` parameter added to following commands:

  - generic commands: keys, randomkey;

  - hash commands: hgetall, hkeys, hmget, hvals;

  - list commands: blpop, brpop, brpoplpush, lindex, lpop, lrange, rpop, rpoplpush;

  - set commands: smembers, spop, srandmember;

  - string commands: getrange, getset, mget;

* Backward incompatibility:

  ``ltrim`` command now returns bool value instead of 'OK';

* Tests updated;

0.2.1 (2015-07-06)

* Logging added (aioredis.log module);

* Fixed issue with ``wait_message`` in pub/sub
  (see `#66 <>`_);

0.2.0 (2015-06-04)

* Pub/Sub support added;

* Fix in ``zrevrangebyscore`` command
  (see `#62 <>`_);

* Fixes/tests/docs;